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Educatio est omnium efficacissima forma rebellionis

"Educatio est omnium efficacissima forma rebellionis" which is scripted in Latin. The English translation means "Education is the most effective form of rebellion".

The moral of Thorin's quote is that much more can be accomplished with a book rather than a bat. The system itself cannot be beaten by simply dropping out and having a middle finger attitude.

To truly make a difference, you need not only angst, but also a firm foundation on what makes the system what it is. Past revolutionaries (Che, King Jr, Gandhi....) all knew how to use the system to their advantage and bring about change. Society loves stupid people because they are so easy to control.

To truly make a difference organize with the tools that truly bring about change: Education and Unity. The sheep (people in general) are force fed crap everyday via the media. Unfortunately, they take it all in with their mouths open wide.

The uneducated cannot tell the difference between truth and lie, instead they tend to believe everything that is broadcasted without even questioning it. Everyday the system is unjust and unfair.

Without education, and unity, this massive corporate lobbied tax hijacked machine can never be re-tooled. It is up to YOU to make the changes needed to improve YOUR society. It is time to stand for what you believe in, and be heard. Ignorance is the single greatest tool of oppression.


Many people I know are actually concerned about their physical health, but how many people are actually concerned about the state of their brains? After all, the brain runs the body, and if your brain isn’t functioning…news is…You’re dead!
True, there are people out there who are apparently doing very well without the benefit of a working brain… (I can name a few people I know…hmm… nah, I’d rather not…hehe!on the other hand…let’s take Treb for example..(sorry, dude! Gotta use someone for reference…your name came up on top!haha) for instance… his brain is probably the size of a peanut(sorry nut…no offense meant!) but he’s a good person …just moronic but it doesn’t make him less of a person..I love the guy…everybody in our crew all do.
Though it pains me, I will acknowledge that a well-developed brain is not an absolute pre-requisite to making one’s way in the world. Sometimes pure dumb luck and stunning looks are enough, as the careers of many movie/tv stars and politicians will show us.
In recent years, it has become fashionable to knock intelligence. Some gooey, touch-feely types who declares that emotional intelligence a.k.a EQ a.k.a the ability to get in touch with one’s feelings and the feelings of others is more important than high IQ!
This sounds to me like a pitch of mediocrity, empirical evidence does suggest that people of superior intelligence have some difficulty relating to others, why? Because they are superiors, fools! (hmmm…this explains why it’s difficult for me to be emotional and relate to other humans..hehe!)
Why should we excercise our brains?
The brain is the most important organ in your body ,even more important than the one we follow much of the time…that one wouldn’t work if we had no fact studies show that sex happens mostly in the brain and the rest are just delivery devices.
Why then stupid people seem to have more sex than the rest of us? Because the universe has a warped sense of humor…?!?
Also, as a wise man once said…,”FREE YOUR MIND…YOUR ASS WILL FOLLOW.”
I think he’s got a point

Sneaky Little Bitch!

I don't know what has gotten into me last night...I guess it was boredom that pushed me into it.. I hacked my bf's email account...sneaky, I know...but you know how women's instinct sometimes will keep on nagging you and you're gonna constantly hear this little voices in your head until you give in and it turns you into a sneaky sleuth...wrong...yah, probably in some other way...hey! what the hell? why am i trying to justify what I did? It's done.
I hacked it. I'm not proud of it..but I'm not ashamed of it either.
There was nothin really disturbing about the emails he had in his account. I just didn't like those that came from his s0-called "bestfriend"!!!! who, by the way doesn't hold a candle to me...she's fat and i'm sexy..., there it goes. I hate her, i've never met her actually. I don't intend to meet her. I think she just doesn't think of my Bf as her BEST FRIEND, I honestly think and believe that she's in love with my boyfriend...why?
well, i've read her blog..and she laments about someone that she's in love with but will never be hers coz the guy's in love with someone else...hmmmm, sounds like someone I know...fine, I might be wrong...but then again...there's this thing that's bugging me and when it does...i'm usually right.
and problem BF never talks about her...he sometimes mentions her but we never really talk about her. One good thing about this is they don't see each other like other bestfriend's do...they only exchange emails and phone calls...strange but hey, it works for me...coz I don't think I can tolerate the idea of him spending some time with the biatch (remember!!! she's in love with my bf!!!).
What I didn't like about the email is the fact that they exchange "love you's " at the end of their emails... it may not sound serious but then again...I don't like it.
She better not try anything nor even think about stealing my bf... I will not think twice about butchering her alive. I will and I can.